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Set #1 1-100

Set #1 is all about working with things that typically scare you.

For me AI was something that I always feared as a artist, I didn't like the idea that AI could replace me as a artist someday. I didn't like the way Technology was sybiosing into something with intelligence and creativity. I didnt like that fact that most people said using AI was "easy" and accessible to everyone. I didnt like it.

So I took the hard plunge into understanding AI and learning the prompts etc. and actually started using AI as a tool, a friend, and not as an opponent. And I fell in love with the thing that terrified me. It took me to places I never could have achieved on my own, Took me to places I always dreamed of discovering. Alien planets, curious new ways to see this universe and how intensely complicated and grand it is.

For me, AI is where I go to escape this planet. To learn something new, To challenge my beliefs, and challenge my understandings of what I think I know.

Embrace the things in your life that scare you.

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